Thursday, September 20, 2007

PSA: (Rocky Hill, NJ) Model UN

This is a cross-post. If you think you might be interested in joining, please email Amy Mandelker (E-Mail:

Everyone in grades 8-12 is invited to join our homeschool chapter of the Model United Nations forming this fall. Model UN is the most fun and effective way I know of studying current events and understanding global international relations, as well as learning about the history that led up to contemporary situations, such as the war in Iraq.

In addition to the usual Model United Nations activities, our club will incorporate games like "Diplomacy", will probably make new versions of "Diplomacy" to reflect key historical international moments, and will also hold formal debates on significant historical decisions taken by the UN, such as its founding, the vote to mandate the State of Israel, whether or not to send peace-keeping forces, etc.>

Model United Nations has a long tradition of excellence as an extra curricular enrichment program, with the Harvard University Model United Nations program leading the way.

With the help of the faculty sponsor, club members first learn about the UN, its history and organs, and then choose nations to represent. Over the course of the year, they research their nation and follow current events that affect it. They prepare briefs and papers on key issues and present them in the model UN conferences. Behind the scenes negotiations and meetings also take place. These activities give excellent training in writing and public speaking, while learning about international relations, current events, and world history.

For those interested, here is a link to the official website .

Faculty sponsor, Professor Amy Mandelker, Ph.D. was active in her High School's Model United Nations and was captain of her High School Debate team. No one ever stood up to her impassioned rebuttals. She was elected Representative to her High School's Student Council. She holds a B.A. with honors in European History and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Russian studies. She has taught Soviet history and literature extensively at the college and doctoral level. She insists on playing Russia in all war games.

There may be a field trip to the actual United Nations in New York, where students in Model United Nations are usually given the insider's tour and a lot of attention from the official staff of the countries they represent.

There are no fees for participation. Club dues will cover the cost of xeroxed materials.

Meetings will probably be held at the Mary Jacobs Library in Rocky Hill. Notification of our first meeting will be sent out by email to responders. Details about future meetings will be voted at our first club meeting.
Location: Mary Jacobs Library
64 Washington St, Rocky Hill, NJDirections

The Mary Jacobs Library is located on Route 518 (Washington St) in Rocky Hill, one third of a mile from the intersection of Routes 206 and 518.

From Somerville, go south on Route 206 about 12 miles and turn left onto Route 518. The library is on the left side of Washington St.
From Princeton, go north on Route 206 and turn right onto Route 518.
From New Brunswick, proceed south about 10 miles on Route 27 and bear right onto Route 518 shortly after Kendall Park. Drive about three miles to Rocky Hill and turn right at the library.

If you think you might be interested in joining, please email Amy Mandelker.


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