The Gifted Child Instructor: Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska*
This course is designed to provide an overview of the field of gifted
education and address the core cognitive characteristics of gifted
children in general and domain-specific areas, their educational needs
in respect to programs, services, and curricula, the support structures
necessary to facilitate their talent development from families to
mentors to personality variables and the foundations of the field of
gifted education itself, ranging from its theoretical and research base
to its grounding in legislation and administration of programs.
*The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children Instructor:
Dr. Joyce VanTassel-Baska*
This course is designed to provide a strong background in the theory and
research related to working with gifted children on affective
development. It will feature core affective characteristics and needs,
and demonstrate the connections to students' cognitive make-up. Emphasis
will be on affective approaches to use in the classroom as well as more
formalized programs and services in guidance and counseling deemed
essential for their talent development. Case studies used throughout the
course will highlight the special issues and concerns for addressing the
social and emotional needs of this population of learners, culminating
in a case study done by participants. Special emphasis will be placed in
this course on special populations of gifted learners--twice exceptional
learners, students from poverty and minority groups, and underachievers.